
AI Trainingen

AI Impact

AI Implementation




Interim Generative AI Lead

The Interim/Fractional Gen AI Lead Program offers comprehensive leadership and strategic direction for your Generative Gen AI initiatives without the commitment to a full-time executive position.

Designed for precision, innovation, and impactful engagement, this service is perfect for transformative enhancements to your Gen AI strategies.

Does this resonate with you?

>> You recognize the need for Gen AI-driven innovation but aren't prepared to onboard a full-time leader.

>> Your Gen AI projects are executed sporadically, lacking a cohesive strategy or standardized protocols.

>> Managing day-to-day operations leaves you little time to focus on integrating and optimizing Gen AI within your business.

>> You aim to establish structured, measurable, and systematic Gen AI practices.

>> You aspire for rapid adoption, but your current capabilities don't support scalable Gen AI development.

>> You seek clearer insights into the effectiveness and ROI of your Gen AI initiatives.

Imagine if you could…

>> Gain a deeper comprehension of how Gen AI can uniquely benefit your market positioning and customer engagement.

>> Continually refine your Gen AI strategies based on data-driven insights and emerging technologies.

>> Consistently attract and retain customers through personalized, Gen AI-enhanced experiences.

>> Increase customer lifetime value through Gen AI-driven insights and automation.

>> Implement order and accountability within your Gen AI projects.

>> Focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) and activities that truly drive innovation and success.

>> Develop Gen AI systems that become a long-term asset for your business.

>> Measure the impact and success of your Gen AI projects with precise data.

What you receive

Direct and unlimited 24/7 access to me via Slack, phone, or email, ensuring personalized guidance and support.

This program includes:

- Equivalent of up to one day/week dedicated to your business.

- Initial research, strategy, planning, and budgeting for Gen AI integration.

- Leadership and strategic direction for your entire Gen AI portfolio.

- Unlimited 1:1 access to me for continuous guidance and problem-solving.

- Monthly KPI review meetings to evaluate progress and outcomes.

- Access to my network of proven Gen AI experts and technologists.

- Monthly reports to monitor your Gen AI initiatives and their growth impact.

Pricing and Terms

The Interim/Fractional Gen AI Lead Program is tailored to meet your specific needs, starting at € 5995/month with a 3-month minimum commitment. Payments are due at the beginning of each month.

Note: Selection for this service is highly curated to ensure a perfect fit, and I will only offer this service until you find a permanent leader for your Gen AI strategies.

Who this is for

The Interim/Fractional Gen AI Lead service is designed to benefit a broad spectrum of businesses, from startups to established enterprises, across various industries.

Ideal candidates for this service:

- Are committed to long-term innovation and integration of Gen AI.

- Operate in fields like technology, finance, healthcare, or any sector with a clear Gen AI application.

- Understand that significant results require time, consistent effort, and iterative refinement.

- Prefer to build a specialized, agile team over engaging a comprehensive Gen AI consultancy.

- Are experiencing rapid growth and value expert, impartial strategic advice.

- Have an annual revenue of €1-€20 million and are poised for rapid expansion.

How it works

- In the first month, I conduct in-depth research, discovery, and strategy formulation.

- We identify your unique advantages and how Gen AI can amplify these strengths.

- We outline your objectives, develop a 6-month action plan, identify key metrics, segment projects, and allocate resources.

- You can share proposals, drafts, reports, and any Gen AI-related materials for my review.

- You gain direct access to my network of Gen AI professionals. I ensure transparency and do not profit from these referrals.

- Every six months, we reassess our strategy to focus on what's working and plan the next steps.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

If we’re not a good fit, I don’t want your money. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason after the first 30 days, I’ll refund my entire fee in full. After that, there are no refunds under any exceptions.

*Rates are based on remote projects only. Travel costs are extra.